Carlos Guestrin
Carlos Guestrin is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. His previous positions include the Amazon Professor of Machine Learning at the Computer Science & Engineering Department of the University of Washington, the Finmeccanica Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and the Senior Director of Machine Learning and AI at Apple, after the acquisition of Turi, Inc. (formerly GraphLab and Dato) — Carlos co-founded Turi, which developed a platform for developers and data scientist to build and deploy intelligent applications. He is a technical advisor for OctoML.ai. His team also released a number of popular open-source projects, including XGBoost, LIME, Apache TVM, MXNet, Turi Create, GraphLab/PowerGraph, SFrame, and GraphChi. Carlos received the IJCAI Computers and Thought Award and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). He is also a recipient of the ONR Young Investigator Award, NSF Career Award, Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and IBM Faculty Fellowship, and was named one of the 2008 ‘Brilliant 10’ by Popular Science Magazine. Carlos’ work received awards at a number of conferences and journals, including ACL, AISTATS, ICML, IPSN, JAIR, JWRPM, KDD, NeurIPS, UAI, and VLDB. He is a former member of the Information Sciences and Technology (ISAT) advisory group for DARPA.

Sakyasingha Dasgupta
Sakya is the founder and Chief Executive officer of EdgeCortix. He is an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologist, entrepreneur, and engineer with over a decade of experience in taking cutting edge AI research from ideation stage to scalable products, across different industry verticals. He has lead teams at global companies like Microsoft and IBM Research / IBM Japan, along with national research labs like RIKEN Japan and the Max Planck Institute Germany. Previously, he helped establish and lead the technology division at lean startups in Japan and Singapore, in semiconductor technology, robotics and Fintech sectors. Sakya is the inventor of over 20 patents and has published widely on machine learning and AI with over 1,000 citations.
Sakya holds a PhD. in Physics of Complex Systems from the Max Planck Institute in Germany, along with Masters in Artificial Intelligence from The University of Edinburgh and a Bachelors of Computer Engineering. Prior to founding EdgeCortix he completed his entrepreneurship studies from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Luis Ceze
Luis Ceze is Co-founder and CEO at OctoML, Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, and Venture Partner at Madrona Venture Group. His research focuses on the intersection between computer architecture, programming languages, machine learning and biology. His current focus is on approximate computing for efficient machine learning andDNA-based data storage. He co-directs the Molecular Information Systems Lab (MISL), the Systems and Architectures for Machine Learning lab (SAMPL) and the Sampa Lab for HW/SW co-design. He is a recipient of an NSF CAREER Award, a Sloan Research Fellowship, a Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship, the IEEE TCCA young Computer Architect Award and UIUC Distinguished Alumni Award.